MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDIES #desserts #cakes #bart #pumpkin #party

MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDIES #desserts #cakes #bart #pumpkin #party

These Martha Washington Candies are an astounding expansion to your vacation festivities, are perfect for blessing giving, and look great on a treat plate!

I have been feeling a little nostalgic these previous scarcely any weeks as I consider the up and coming Christmas season. Such a significant number of our family conventions have withered away the previous scarcely any years as family has moved away or passed on. Chris and I were speaking yesterday about what conventions we have begun with our young men and what new ones we need to begin so when they're more established they can think back and state, "We generally did such and such at Christmas". I need that for them.

One of my fondest Christmas customs was eating crazy measures of confections at my Grandma's every year on Christmas Eve. Everybody had their claims to fame and these Martha Washington Candies (or Martha Washingtons as we generally called them) were my Aunt Rene's commitment every year.

MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDIES #desserts #cakes #bart #pumpkin #party

Also try our recipe : Turkey Brownies Recipe #desserts #snack #recipes #brownies #party

Ingredients :

  • 1 cup butter melted
  • 1 lb powdered sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 14 oz package shredded coconut sweetened
  • 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
  • 10 oz jar maraschino cherries drained and chopped
  • 3 cups finely chopped pecans
  • 16 oz package chocolate Candiquik

Instructions :

  1. After chopping cherries, place on a paper towel so the liquid can be absorbed. Blot dry with additional paper towels.
  2. Combine all ingredients except for Candiquik in a large bowl.
  3. Refrigerate for at least two hours. Tip #1 - the colder the filling is the quicker the chocolate will set up
  4. Form into balls about the size of a walnut or whatever size you prefer.
  5. Refrigerate balls for 20 minutes. Tip #2 - See tip #1
  6. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
  7. Melt Candiquik according to package directions.
  8. Dip balls into chocolate, (I use these tools here) tap off excess, and place on lined baking sheet to set up. Tip #3: Get off as much chocolate as you can otherwise it will pool at the bottom of the candy and you'll have to trim it off.
  9. Repeat until all balls are covered in chocolate.
  10. Store in airtight container.

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