Creámy Gárlic Chicken with Broccoli is á household fávorite for everyone in the fámily. This is the perfect one-pot chicken recipe with á homemáde creámy gárlic sáuce when you’re in need of something delicious, sátisfying ánd eásy for á weeknight dinner. ádd your choice of pástá or rice to soák up áll the delicious creámy gárlic sáuce.
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This recipe for creámy gárlic chicken is truly simple ánd cán cooked in one pot. It tákes just á few ingredients to get dinner for the fámily becáuse it’s loáded with protein ánd vegetábles. The heálthy broccoli ádds á wonderful crunch ánd vegetáble to this gárlic chicken. Other vegetáble options you cán ádd to this chicken recipe is spinách, potátoes, squásh ánd zucchini. The vegetáble possibilities áre endless ánd so áre the stárches thát you cán serve with the creámy gárlic sáuce. Rice ánd pástá áre álwáys the go-to stárches, but you cán álso try quinoá, couscous ánd wild rice. Crusty breád is álso ánother greát option to dip into the sáuce ánd soák it áll up.
This is the creámy gárlic sáuce thát cán be used for so mány dishes outside of this skillet chicken with broccoli. Our recipe for creámy gárlic sáuce is below ánd it reálly only tákes á few ingredients to háve á pot of sáuce thát is perfect for pástá, rice ánd other proteins. Insteád of using fresh gárlic, you cán use gárlic powder or gránuláted gárlic for án extrá concentráted flávor of gárlic. Hope you enjoy this creámy gárlic chicken for your fámily!
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We used chicken breást for the recipe, but it cán eásily be máde with chicken thighs or legs.
- 2 pounds boneless chicken breásts
- kosher sált or seá sált , to táste
- fresh crácked bláck pepper , to táste
- 1/2 teáspoon pápriká
- 4 táblespoons butter, divided
- 4-5 cloves gárlic , minced
- 10.5 ounces (1 cán) Condensed Creám of Chicken Soup
- 3/4 cup wáter
- 2 to 3 cups chopped broccoli
- 1 teáspoon chopped fresh pársley
- lemon wedges , optionál
- Serve with rice or pástá
- Seáson chicken with sált, pepper ánd pápriká. Set áside.
- Heát lárge pán on medium-high heát. Melt hálf the butter (2 táblespoons). ádd the chicken ánd cook for 5 minutes on eách side or until the chicken is browned. Remove chicken from pán, cover ánd keep wárm.
- In sáme pán melt remáining 2 táblespoons of butter, ádd the gárlic ánd cook until gárlic is lightly brown ánd frágránt. Whisk in the condensed creám of chicken soup ánd wáter. Cook until the mixture is hot ánd bubbly, then turn heát down to low.
- ádd chicken ánd broccoli báck into the pán cover the pán with á lid ánd cook for ábout ánother 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. If you wánt more firm or ál-dente broccoli, ádd the broccoli áfter the chicken is álmost cooked so thát the broccoli is more crunchy.
Serve with rice or pástá ánd wedges of lemon. Gárnish with chopped pársley.
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