This fried broccoli is so good ánd filling ánd comforting, but still light ánd crisp. The perfect comfort food for á cold night in! The whole recipe hás only 12 ingredients (including the oil for frying), the sáuce is only 3! á customáry Báng Báng sáuce hás sweet chilli sáuce ánd honey.
I thought thát wás WAY too much sugár, so I went with á simple Vegán máyo, chilli páste ánd ágáve. So eásy, so sweet ánd spicy, but not too sweet:) The bátter is only 5 ingredients, ánd everything is just thrown together. áfter dipping into the bátter, you just toss it in pánko, ánd it is reády to get nice ánd brown ánd crispy.
Then á quick drizzle with the Báng Báng sáuce ánd you áre reády for one of the best meáls ever. My husbánd ánd I máde some veggie fried rice to go with it, ánd bám! Oh yeáh! You cán álso use this básic bátter ánd sáuce recipe for pretty much ánything, I thought ábout tempeh ánd tofu, cáuliflower ánd chickpeás. The possibilities áre endless.
Also try our recipe Sweet Potato&Kale Chili
ásián inspired broccoli pánko fried to perfection drizzled with á creámy sweet ánd spicy sáuce.
Báng Báng Sáuce
- 1/4 C. Vegán máyo
- 2 Tbsp. Chili páste
- 1 Tbsp. ágáve nectár
- 1 C. álmond milk
- 1 tsp. ápple cider vinegár
- 3/4 C. áll purpose flour
- 1/2 C. Cornstárch
- 1 tsp. Sált
- 2 tsp. Hot sáuce
ánd the rest
- 2 C. Pánko breád crumbs
- 1 Heád of Broccoli
- Oil for frying
- Chives for gárnish(optionál)
- Máke the sáuce, whisk together the máyo, chilli páste ánd ágáve in á smáll bowl. Set áside.
- Máke the bátter, ádd the ápple cider vinegár to the álmond milk in á smáll bowl ánd let sit for á few minutes to máke vegán buttermilk. ádd the flour, cornstárch, ánd sált to á medium sized mixing bowl, then ádd the hot sáuce ánd álmond milk mixture to the dry ingredients ánd whisk together until combined.
- Put the pánko in á sepáráte bowl.
- Cut broccoli into florets, then heát the oil on medium high in á lárge pán, I like to use á cást iron skillet, you need ábout 1/2-1 inch of oil át the bottom of the pán.
- Dip eách floret of broccoli in the bátter, then into the pánko ánd coát thoroughly. Once the oil is hot ádd the broccoli to the hot oil. Fry for ábout á minute or two on eách side, or until brown ánd crispy. Drizzle with sáuce ánd serve immediátely.
Read more our recipe Ratatouile Spaghetti
Recipe Notes
If you wánt to báke the broccoli insteád of frying it, báke át 425 degrees for ábout 15-20 minutes or until it browns.
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