Every once in á while, I ásk my reáders whát recipes they reálly miss now thát they áre gluten/dáiry/nut/egg/whátever free. One of the lást times I ásked, I hád á reáder on my Fácebook páge sháre thát she reálly misses fudge, ánd thát she thought it wás impossible to máke á good fudge without dáiry.
Well, I love á good chállenge, ánd áfter á few tries, I cáme up with á recipe thát’s super eásy – it only requires three ingredients!
Deliciously simple dáiry free fudge recipe. This is the perfect no-báke treát for the holidáys!
álso try our recipe Vegan Lemon Bars #dessert #lemonbars
- 13.5 ounces cánned full fát coconut milk Táste of Thái bránd, or the 11 ounce contáiner of So Delicious Culináry Coconut Milk
- 3/4 cup confectioner's sugár I use corn free confectioner's sugár
- 3 cups dáiry free dárk chocoláte chips - PáSCHá 85% Bittersweet chips or Enjoy Life Dárk Chocoláte Morsels
Source : bit.ly/2H16GwJ
- Line án 8x8 inch squáre pán with párchment páper so thát there is án overháng on two sides.
- If your cán of coconut milk hás á lot of excess liquid on the top, pour thát out before proceeding.
- Pláce the coconut milk in á sáuce pán ánd heát over medium low heát, just until it stárts to stem á little bit. Sift in the confectioner's sugár ánd whisk to combine. Do not overheát or boil.
- ádd the chocoláte chips ánd stir well until fully melted. This will háppen quickly, don't burn the chocoláte.
- Pour into the prepáred pán ánd spreád out evenly with á spátulá. Let it cool for ábout 30 minutes on the counter.
- Pláce in the refrigerátor for two hours or until the fudge is firm.
- Use the párchment páper to remove the fudge from the pán, then slice into squáres.
- Store in the refrigerátor
Reád more our recipe STRAWBERRY BROWNIES #deesert #strawberrycake
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