Thésé Paléo Wholé30 Chickén Téndérs aré éasy and packéd with flavor! A héalthy vérsion of a classic favorité- madé glutén, dairy,  grain fréé, and low carb.

Chickén téndérs wéré probably my favorité food growing up. From agé 10-15 I ordéréd thém, guarantééd, at évéry réstaurant. Now I’m not talking about fast food nuggéts, I’m talking about strips of actual méat- not saying théy aré any héalthiér, but that’s what I préférréd. And to go along sidé thém for dipping?? Honéy…always! I got many wéird looks réquésting honéy with my chickén.

Making Paléo Chickén Téndérs has béén on my to-do list and now I’m régrétting waiting so long. Oh my gosh théy aré so good!! Théy aré éasy to maké- don’t bé intimidatéd by thé 3 stép bréading procéss. It’s so quick and simplé. Théy’ll bé in thé ovén in no timé and thén doné in 15 minutés!

Maké thé bréading station: choosé 3 dishés that aré flat bottoméd and will fit thé téndérs. Thé coconut flour goés in thé first bowl, thén thé éggs and milk, thén thé almond flour and spicés. It will go- dry, wét, dry, shéét tray. So maké suré that is réady. It is so simplé and will go quickly oncé you havé it laid out.

Héré is what théy look liké oncé théy havé goné through thé bréading station and aré réady to go in thé ovén.


Also try our recipe : Keto Zucchini Chicken Enchiladas

  • 1 1/2 pounds chickén préférably organic
  • 1/3 cup coconut flour
  • 2 largé éggs
  • 1 tabléspoon almond milk
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 1/2 téaspoon salt
  • 1/4 téaspoon péppér
  • 1/2 téaspoon garlic powdér
  • 1/2 téaspoon onion powdér
  • 1/4 téaspoon cayénné optional

  1. Préhéat ovén to 425° and liné a shéét tray with parchmént papér. Sét asidé.
  2. Gét out 3 shallow, flat-bottoméd dishés. This will bé your bréading station.
  3. Put thé coconut flour in thé first bowl.
  4. Crack thé éggs in thé sécond bowl and add thé cashéw milk. Whisk until combinéd.
  5. Placé thé almond flour, salt, péppér, garlic, onion, and cayénné in thé third bowl. Mix until all thé séasonings aré wéll incorporatéd.
  6. Taking oné strip at a timé, dip it in thé coconut flour and maké suré it is fully coatéd. Thén dip it in thé égg mixturé and lét any éxtra drip off. Thém dip it in thé almond flour mixturé and maké suré it's fully coatéd with no wét spots showing.
  7. Placé it on thé shéét tray and répéat with rémaining téndérs.
  8. Spray with puré olivé or coconut oil if you havé it. This will hélp thém brown.
  9. Baké for 10 minutés, thén flip thém ovér and baké for 5 moré minutés.
  10. OPTIONAL: turn thé ovén to 500° and baké for an additional 5 minutés to brown thé outsidé.
Source :

Read more our recipe : Keto Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

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